32nd Generation

-1328924248. Robert DE BEAUMONT 1st Earl of Leicester (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) was born about 1046 in Pont-Audemer, Beaumont, Normandie, France. He died on 5 June 1118 at the age of 72 in Leicestershire, England. Isabel "Elizabeth" DE VERMANDOIS Countess of Leicester (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) and Robert DE BEAUMONT 1st Earl of Leicester (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) were married.

-1328924247. Isabel "Elizabeth" DE VERMANDOIS Countess of Leicester (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) was born on 13 February 1085 in Valois, Olse, Picardie, France. She died on 13 February 1131 at the age of 46 in Prieure Saint-Nicaise de Meulan, Diocese de Chartres, Seine-et-Olse, France.

Children were:



Robert "Bossu" DE BEAUMONT, 2nd Earl of Leicester (*)(|)(=)(:)(/).