40th Generation

-467114718. Herbert II, Count of Vermandois (*) was born about 884 in Of Vermandois, Neustria (France). Neustria was the western part of the Kingdom of the Franks. It included the land between the Loire and the Silva Carbonaria, approximately the north of present-day France, with Paris, Orléans, Tours,  Soissons as its main cities.
It later referred to the region between the Seine and the Loire rivers known as the regnum Neustriae, a constituent subkingdom of the Carolingian Empire and then West Francia. The Carolingian kings also created a March of Neustria which was a frontier duchy against the Bretons and Vikings that lasted until the Capetian monarchy in the late 10th century, when the term was eclipsed as a European political or geographical term. He died on 23 February 943 at the age of 59. Hildebrante, Princess of France (*+) and Herbert II, Count of Vermandois (*) were married before 907 in West Francia (France).

-467114717. Hildebrante, Princess of France (*+) was born about 887 in Of Vermandois, Neustria, West Francia (France).

Children were:



Adaele DE VERMANDOIS (*+).